Harvesting Deep Images from the Web

Harvesting Deep Images from the Web

Today’s authors present a way to get deep images without telescope time. Their method involves a clever compilation of sky images from the Web. The algorithm, called Enhance, synthesizes a collection of short-exposure images gleaned from the Web to produce a deep image.

Crowd-Sourcing Crater Identification

Crowd-Sourcing Crater Identification

How good are citizen-scientists at characterizing crater densities and size distributions on the lunar surface? For that matter how good are the experts? Today’s study attempts to answer these questions by having a group of experts analyze images of the Moon from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera.

Crowd-sourcing Science: Planet Hunters find two new planet candidates

Crowd-sourcing Science: Planet Hunters find two new planet candidates

Planet Hunters is a Citizen Science project, aiming to analyze the slew of data from the Kepler Space Telescope. Planet Hunters look for transit signals in the data, which cause the light from the star to dim periodically.This project is designed to complement the efforts of other scientists to analyze the data using computer algorithms. This paper presents results of the first two planet candidates to be identified using this method, demonstrating that this type of citizen science project is a valuable tool for exoplanet detection.