
A scatter plot with baryonic potential in log-scale on the x-axis, ranging between 8 and 11, and gas metallicity on the y-axis, ranging between 8.2 and 8.6. The points show a positive correlation that flattens out towards higher potentials. A curve of best fit is plotted on top of the points, and there is significant scatter around this line. Each point is color-coded according to star formation rate on a gradient from purple to yellow. Generally, points go from purple to yellow as you follow the line of best fit. There are also two vertical dashed red lines at a potential of 8.8 a 9.0. Points lying between these dashed lines are also plotted in an inset panel on the bottom right, which plots gas metallicity against star formation rate. The points in the panel show a negative correlation with a Pearson's correlation coefficient of -0.20.

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