Featured Astrobites
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Dark Matter Annihilation is for WIMPs
Today’s paper searches for signatures of annihilating dark matter in the Milky Way’s satellite dwarf galaxies.
Fueling or Starving? The Role of Gas Flows in Early Galaxy Evolution
Today’s bite explores whether early galaxies are fueling up or blowing off steam—are they gaining gas or losing it to stellar feedback?
No horsing around: Centaurus A could be a nearby cosmic ray factory
Today’s authors try to answer a century-old mystery: where are all the cosmic rays coming from??
Black Holes Grow Better With A Friend
Observations of dwarf galaxies, similar to early universe galaxies, show that a buddy galaxy can help trigger phases of rapid growth. That’s the power of friendship!
Finding “Scary Barbie”’s sisters: a new sample of ambiguous nuclear transients
Supermassive black holes are responsible for the most luminous single-event flares in the universe. Learn how we search for these ultra-energetic events.
A NICER solution for an aging X-ray telescope
From Sahana Parker: How NASA scientists, engineers and astronauts pulled off a high-stakes space telescope repair—one patch at a time!
Beyond astro-ph
Astronomy beyond the research
A NICER solution for an aging X-ray telescope
From Sahana Parker: How NASA scientists, engineers and astronauts pulled off a high-stakes space telescope repair—one patch at a time!
Beyond: The Astronomy Community on Bluesky
Social media is a powerful opportunity to democratize access to academia. The community of astronomers on the Bluesky platform is rapidly growing, and invite you to join them.
Astrobites at AAS 245: Day 4
Astrobites covers the final day of AAS 245.
Navigating careers in astronomy
Career advice
Beyond: The Astronomy Community on Bluesky
Social media is a powerful opportunity to democratize access to academia. The community of astronomers on the Bluesky platform is rapidly growing, and invite you to join them.
Deepening Broader Impacts: Mentorship, DEI, and Career Advancement at AAS 245
From Tyler Smith: The National Osterbrock Leadership Program (NOLP) is an initiative that equips early-career astronomers with the tools to integrate mentorship, leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into their professional practices. Catch their session at #AAS245.
Beyond: The SuperComputing Conference (for Astronomers)
One Weird Trick To Leave Academia Forever And Fight Your Way Into The Tech Job Market