by William Smith | Dec 10, 2024 | Daily Paper Summaries
Title: A Gigaparsec-Scale Hydrodynamic Volume Reconstructed with Deep LearningAuthors: Cooper Jacobus, Solene Chabanier, Peter Harrington, JD Emberson, Zarija Lukic, and Salman HabibFirst Author’s Institution: University of California, BerkeleyStatus: preprint on ArXivSimulations have become one of the quintessential tools in modern astrophysics. Whether you are trying to understand a star, an active galactic nucleus (AGN) disk, a galaxy, or the universe itself, there is probably a simulation for that. One of the most popular kinds of simulations in modern astrophysics is a hydrodynamic simulation of large-scale structure (e.g., Illustris, Eagle, Astrid), which is designed to mimic a chunk of the universe containing millions of galaxies. These simulations start with an n-body simulation in which billions of particles representing dark matter are simulated under the attractive influence of gravity. In addition to dark matter, baryonic matter– everyday matter like protons, neutrons, and electrons– are simulated as a kind of “fluid” riding on the sea of dark matter, hence the “hydrodynamic” part.Every simulation of this type is a balancing act between three competing choices: the total size of the simulation, the computing power needed to run it, and the resolution, which, in simple terms, is a combination of the smallest distance and time scales at which the data in the simulation are reliable or meaningful. When designing a simulation, if you want to alter one of these three quantities, you must consider the effect on the other two. For example, if you want a larger simulation volume, you must increase the computing power or lower your resolution. What decisions you make when designing a simulation comes down to the resources available and...
by William Smith | Nov 26, 2024 | Daily Paper Summaries
In today’s Astrobite, the authors create a mock massive black hole data set to test whether their LISA analysis pipeline can recover their mock data.
by William Lamb | Nov 20, 2024 | Daily Paper Summaries
What’s better than a single gravitational lens? A double gravitational lens! Learn about how light from a distant quasar zig-zags across the universe because of the first double gravitational lens to be observed!
by Lindsey Gordon | Nov 11, 2024 | Daily Paper Summaries
Bundle up – we’re taking a look at some cool simulations of cluster cold fronts.
by Kylee Carden | Oct 26, 2024 | Daily Paper Summaries
We have not found a Solar System analog, but upcoming missions stand to discover more and more multi-planet systems. We can begin to understand these systems by asking: what would our own Solar System look like to distant observers?
by Jack Lubin | Oct 22, 2024 | Daily Paper Summaries
The Kepler dataset appears to be split between single planet systems and multi-planet systems. Could this be because systems become dynamically hot over time?