What if we put more Helium in Stars? It’s not just a question for birthday parties.
Today’s bite considers how helium can help boost brightness in the UV region of a galaxy’s spectrum.
Today’s bite considers how helium can help boost brightness in the UV region of a galaxy’s spectrum.
How can one white dwarf have two different atmospheres? Today’s authors investigate the wacky behavior of ZTF J2033 to find out.
Recent research indicates that some supernova fail to ever explode. Today’s authors study what this means for our understanding of iron enrichment and star formation in nearby globular clusters.
Today we interview Dr. Stella Offner, who is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin and one of this year’s #AAS245 Plenary speakers!
Proton ingestion events in AGB stars are thought to trigger i-process nucleosynthesis. Today’s authors construct detailed stellar models to investigate this phenomenon!
How can astronomers use existing understandings of stellar evolution to better study dark matter?