Blowout: AGNs Quenching Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies
Astronomers tackle a big question regarding some of the smallest galaxies: how do massive black holes at their centers affect star formation?
Astronomers tackle a big question regarding some of the smallest galaxies: how do massive black holes at their centers affect star formation?
Lurking behind a thick red blanket of gas, supermassive black holes are rapidly growing in very compact galaxies known as Little Red Dots, and they may hold some of the secrets of galaxy evolution.
Ahoy matey! Today’s post explores the formation of rrrrrrr-process elements through short gamma ray bursts in dwarf galaxies.
Today’s authors use machine learning to discover a lone wolf on the edge of the Milky Way’s neighborhood.
The upcoming LISA mission promises to detect many gravitational wave events, but can it attribute any of them to a host galaxy? Let’s find out!
It’s really hard to see molecular hydrogen (the fuel that makes stars) directly, so astronomers have to use other spectral lines to guess how much is there. In today’s paper, the authors discuss how to do that in the smallest galaxies in the universe!