Identifying the sculptor: what dynamical processes lead to observed planet multiplicity
The Kepler dataset appears to be split between single planet systems and multi-planet systems. Could this be because systems become dynamically hot over time?
The Kepler dataset appears to be split between single planet systems and multi-planet systems. Could this be because systems become dynamically hot over time?
Today’s paper uses Johannes Kepler’s pre-telescope sunspot drawings to re-examine irregular 17th century solar activity.
The authors of today’s papers investigate whether photoevaporation or core-powered mass loss is the more likely culprit for the exoplanet radius gap.
Does your sibling know how to push your buttons? Turns out exoplanets also mess with each other. This “teasing” can be used to learn about their character(istics)!
Astrobites coverage of Day 1 of AAS 241!
Now we can do science with 5000+ exoplanets, and Dr. Jessie Christiansen is going to tell us how! Read the interview with the #AAS241 keynote speaker now!