Beyond: The Astronomy Community on Bluesky
Social media is a powerful opportunity to democratize access to academia. The community of astronomers on the Bluesky platform is rapidly growing, and invite you to join them.
Social media is a powerful opportunity to democratize access to academia. The community of astronomers on the Bluesky platform is rapidly growing, and invite you to join them.
From Tyler Smith: The National Osterbrock Leadership Program (NOLP) is an initiative that equips early-career astronomers with the tools to integrate mentorship, leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into their professional practices. Catch their session at #AAS245.
One Weird Trick To Leave Academia Forever And Fight Your Way Into The Tech Job Market
Curious about creating a website but not sure where to start? This tutorial has you covered!
For today’s bite, we sat down for a conversation with Professor Jorge Moreno, the fourth Mexican astronomer to earn tenure at an American university!
In this bite, Professor Jorge Moreno shares his teaching philosophy and framework for creating an inclusive classroom!