Write for Astrobites in Portuguese

Astropontos is looking for enthusiastic students to join its team!

Requirements: Applicants should have experience in astronomy, and be fluent in Portuguese and English. Preference is given to Master or PhD students, as well as postdocs, but junior professors are also welcome to apply. Undergraduate students should have previous research experience.

Commitment: Collaborators typically post an article per month in the website, according to a schedule previously defined. You would also be asked to review an article by another author with the same frequency. There is also the opportunity to represent Astropontos at conferences (such as the Brazilian Astronomical Society meeting).

(There is no remuneration for writing for Astropontos. Our work is ad honorem.)

The following is required for the selection process:

  • Write a sample astroponto. It should preferably be an original text, but translations from astrobites are also accepted. The text should summarize a manuscript that has appeared on astro-ph in the past year, in which you are not a co-author. You should discuss motivation, methods, results and conclusions of the article. Our target-audience are undergrad students, so remember not to use jargon! You can use external links to provide definitions or lengthier explanations. Be concise: your text should have less than 1000 words! Send your text as [name]_[lastname]_astroponto.pdf to [email protected] by January 21. Do not include your name or affiliation in the pdf file.
  • Fill in this form.

If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]. You can also check this call in Portuguese here.


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