A Miss from Gravitational Waves Off the Top Rope!
In today’s bite we watch gravitational waves come for one of astronomy’s top 5 ops: the standard cosmological model of the universe.
In today’s bite we watch gravitational waves come for one of astronomy’s top 5 ops: the standard cosmological model of the universe.
Today’s bite is an overview of the science motivation and design for a mid-resolution UV hybrid imaging-spectrograph concept named MAUVE!
Today’s bite is an overview of the design and science case for future ESA CubeSat mission, CubeSpec!
Today we’re talking about metals meddling in collapsing super massive star models!
Today’s bite is a double feature on sonification. We’re talking about the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s Universe of Sound and some exciting results using “natural” sounds to sonify data using Edukoi!