Calling all undergraduate research!

We post about the most recent research in astrophysics — but in doing so, we rarely get to feature any work done by undergrads. Here’s your chance to help us fix this!

If you’re an undergrad or you know undergrads doing interesting research related to astrophysics, we’d love to hear from you! It can be published or unpublished work — if it’s something you’ve put time and effort into and would like to share with us, we want to see it.

Please send brief (less than 200 words) write-ups of your work to [email protected]. The target audience is one familiar with astrophysics but not necessarily your specific subfield, so write clearly and try to avoid jargon.

If we get enough of a response, our goal is to start regularly posting these blurbs so that you can see what undergrads everywhere are working on!


  • Susanna Kohler

    I received my BS in physics from University of California at Santa Barbara in 2008 and my PhD in astrophysics from University of Colorado Boulder in 2014. My dissertation work focused on studying and modeling the extremely energetic outflows from active black holes at galactic centers.
    I’m now the Communications Manager and Press Officer for the American Astronomical Society.

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  1. I could send in my third year project on QPPs in solar flares…?

    • Sounds awesome … go for it!

  2. Hi, I’m an undergraduate student who is a part of a large undergraduate collaboration, the Undergraduate ALFALFA Team. We were wondering if it would be better for individual students/institutions to send in abstracts about our research, or to submit one abstract that covers our goals as a group. Also, is there any deadline attched to when you would like abstracts by? Thanks!

    • Hi Halley (and fellow UAT members)! Unless each of you is doing very different science, it sounds like a joint abstract for the group would be most practical. As for the deadline, we’re sticking to a rolling deadline for now until we get a feel for whether or not we can make this a regular feature. We’re looking forward to reading your summary!



  1. UR #1: Gamma-Ray Burst Spectroscopy and Protostellar Radiative Transfer Models « astrobites - [...] couple of weeks ago we put out a call for descriptions of research being done by undergraduates, and we…
  2. UR #2: Near-Earth Objects and Hot Stars « astrobites - [...] July we put out a call for descriptions of research being done by undergraduates, and we got a great…
  3. UR #3: Star Clusters and Shock-Heated Gas | astrobites - [...]  ionization equilibrium, M51, shock heating, star clusters, undergrad research In July we put out a call for descriptions of…

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