Oh crap! It’s Halloween night and you don’t have a costume, because you’ve been inside doing astronomy all week! What should you do!? Never fear: Astrobites has got your back. (P.S. Got a good astro Halloween costume? Post it in the comments!)
Top 5 Last-Minute Astronomy-Themed Halloween Costumes
5. Neutrino: Arrive early to the party. Speak to no one.
4. Dark energy: Lurk in the background until the end of the party, then take everyone’s stuff and fling it across the lawn.
3. Unit vector: Wear a hat.
2. Cosmic microwave background: Wear a tie-dyed shirt. Stand behind people and hum until they notice you.
1. Cosmic ray: Draw a helium nucleus on your forehead, then leap in front of everyone else’s photos. Bonus points for a running start!
Happy Halloween from all of us here at Astrobites!