Apply now for the KICP Summer School on Education and Outreach!

Note: International students are welcome to apply. (We’re having trouble with our comments – apologies for not being able to reply directly).

kicp_frontCalling all graduate students in astronomy and related fields – The Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago is holding a summer school on education and outreach this summer, June 16 – 27th, and you are invited to apply!

The invitation reads:

This school will feature a week of practicum that will immerse participants in E&O; for example, presenting at the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, developing hands-on classroom activities, creating content with WorldWide Telescope, or developing Zooniverse/citizen science program activities. The school will also include a one-day science communications workshop presented by the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, field trips to Chicago area institutions, and a concise introduction to E&O basics.

The application closes on May 13th, and only 14 students can be accommodated at the summer school, so apply now! Housing will be provided free of charge to accepted students.

As our frequent readers will know, the authors of Astrobites view the responsibility of scientists to communicate the results of their research to the broader public, and to support future generations of scientists, as critical. It is, in fact, our raison d’être. This KICP summer school sounds like a fantastic way for graduate students to build skills in this area, and we also recommend that graduate students across the country apply to participate in the Communicating Science workshop events (ComSciCon)!



  1. Is this only for US students or can UK ones apply?

  2. Can students in UK can apply to this workshop?


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