The summer meeting of the American Astronomical Society is close to home again for this Astrobites author: the 224th meeting of the AAS is taking place in downtown Boston. Summer is the smaller of the two annual AAS meetings, and (sadly!) you won’t see too many Astrobites authors wandering around Copley Square this week. Because of that, we won’t be suspending our regular posting schedule as we’ve done in the past.
But never fear, you can still follow AAS 224 from afar! As in previous years, we’re covering some of talks on twitter, and you can check out the AAS 224 hashtag for updates from all the conference attendees. Our liveblogging will be making a return this AAS as well, and we’ve decided to try out using Facebook as a liveblogging platform. You can follow our updates on the Astrobites Facebook page.
Several of us will be giving presentations at the conference. Stop us and say hello! Our presentations are listed below, ordered chronologically:
Courtney Dressing, Oral presentation 113.01
How Close are the Nearest Transiting Exoplanet Systems? Updated Planet Occurrence Rates from Kepler & Implications for TESS
Monday 2:00pm – 3:40pm; St. George AB*
*if you missed Courtney’s talk today, you can always find her to ask about it!
Ben Montet, Oral presentation 314.04
Transit Timing Observations of a Hierarchical Triple M Dwarf System
Wednesday 2:00pm – 3:30pm; St. George AB
Allyson Beiryla & Elisabeth Newton, Poster 320.05
Harvard Observing Project (HOP): Undergraduate and graduate observing opportunities
Wednesday 9:00am – 6:30pm; Essex Ballroom and America Foyer
Ian Czekala, Poser 322.01
A Novel Tool for the Spectroscopic Inference of Fundamental Stellar Parameters
Wednesday 9:00am – 6:30pm; Essex Ballroom and America Foyer
Tanmoy Laskar, Poster 421.08
A Reverse Shock in GRB 130427A
Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm; Essex Ballroom and America Foyer
Elisabeth Newton, Oral presentation 404.03
Temperatures and Radii of Low-Mass Dwarf Stars Estimated from Near Infrared Spectra
Thursday 10:00am – 11:30am; St. George AB