The 227th meeting of the American Astronomical Society kicks off tomorrow. This year, the meeting is taking place in Kissimmee, Florida. There will be hundreds of talks and posters during the conference, covering every subfield of astronomy; an abbreviated schedule can be found here.
If you won’t be at the conference:
Good news: several Astrobites authors are here, and we’ll be blogging the meeting all week! We’ll put up a post at the end of each day with summaries of a selection of events from the meeting.
Want real-time updates instead? We’ll also be posting live to Twitter, so follow us (@astrobites) to find out the latest news, 140 characters at a time!
If you will be at the conference:
You may have already seen us at the undergraduate orientation this evening, where we were handing out swag and giving live demos of the site.
If you’re a graduate student, you might be interested in one or more of the professional development sessions, outlined on the meeting’s career services page! A few sessions that Astrobites readers may be particularly interested in are (in chronological order):
Careers 101: Career Planning Workshop and Panel for Graduate Students and Postdocs
Tuesday, 5 January 2016, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM, St. George 108
Career Networking and Job Fair
Tuesday, 5 January, 6:25 PM – 7:55 PM, Sun C
Graduate School and Postdocs as a Means to a Job
Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, St. George 108
Beyond the Academy: Showcasing Astronomy Alumni in Non-Academic Careers
Friday, 8 January 2016, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Osceola 4
Beyond the Academy: Panel Discussion on Securing a Non-Academic Career
Friday, 8 January 2016, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM, Room TBD
Finally, the following Astrobiters will be giving presentations at the conference. If you see them, stop them and say hello! Their presentations are below, ordered chronologically.
Maria Drout, Talk 103.05D
Peculiar Transients as Probes of Stellar Evolution and Mass-Loss
Tuesday, 10:50 AM – 11:10 AM, Sun B
Elisabeth Newton, Talk 105.05D
Insight into the structure and physics of M dwarf stars through determination of the rotation, metallicities, and radii of the nearby population
Tuesday, 10:50 AM – 11:10 AM, Sun D
Caroline Morley, Talk 112.05D
The Impact of Clouds and Hazes in Substellar Atmospheres
Tuesday, 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM, Sarasota
Meredith Rawls, Talk 105.06D
What Makes Red Giants Tick? Linking Tidal Forces, Activity, and Solar-Like Oscillations via Eclipsing Binaries
Tuesday, 11:10 AM – 11:30 AM, Sun D
Rebecca Smethurst, Talk 119.04D
Quenching histories of galaxies and the role of AGN feedback
Tuesday, 2:40 PM – 3:00 PM, Sun B
Susanna Kohler, Author & Referee Workshop
AAS Nova: Sharing AAS authors’ research with the broader community
Wednesday, 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM and 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM, Tallahassee
Erika Nesvold, Talk 309.06
Warm Circumstellar Debris Disks: Dynamical Excitation by Massive External Perturbers?
Thursday, 11:10 AM – 11:20 AM, Tampa
We hope to see you there!