Have you used Astrobites in your classroom? Tell us!

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, Astrobites will be hosting a workshop at #AAS299 on Introducing Current Research Into Your Classroom. Over the span of this 1.5-hour workshop, we will provide an overview of Astrobites and discuss several different ways Astrobites can bring recent astronomical research into your undergraduate classroom.

If you have used Astrobites in your classroom, we’d love to hear from you either in the comments below or directly at [email protected]. We would love to share your stories at our workshop and our larger community!

A s a reminder, our workshop is for all current/future undergrad and grad educators. You can register for the workshop when you register for the meeting or on-site.

See you in Grapevine!



  1. Will you use Astrobites in your course this Fall? | astrobites - […] you were reading Astrobites back in November, you may remember us asking you to share your stories about how…

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