Astrobites at AAS 233: Welcome

astrobites AAS 233

This week, Astrobites is attending the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Seattle, Washington!

AAS 233 ugrad orientation

Astrobites authors talk to students at the undergraduate orientation at AAS 233 Sunday night.

We had a great time at the undergrad reception this evening talking to the awesome students here about their past work and their goals for the future. Thanks to all of you for joining us; we hope to see you around at the rest of the meeting!

If you’re at the meeting and missed us at the undergrad reception, please stop by and visit this week! You can find us at the AAS booth in the exhibit hall — we have sunglasses, stickers, and more, so swing by to pick up some swag and say hi.

For anyone who’s missing the meeting, or for those attending who can’t make all the sessions you want to: Astrobites and AAS Nova will be working together to report highlights from each day. We’ll particularly be covering the keynote talks and the press conferences coming out of the meeting. You can follow along here on the site, or at — look for an update after each day of the meeting. If you’d like to see more timely updates during the day, we encourage you to search the #aas233 hashtag on twitter.

Lastly, if you’re interested in reading up on some of the keynote speakers before their talks at the meeting, keep following along at … we’ll be posting interviews with speakers in advance of their keynote talks. Seven of these interviews for AAS 233 have already been published; you can check them all out under the aas233 tag on This is a great opportunity to learn more about prominent astrophysicists and the path they took to where they are today!


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