September 15 – October 15 was Latinx Heritage Month! To celebrate, we’ve rounded up some of our previous bites showcasing the work and experiences of Latinx astronomers. And remember, you can always depend on our sister site Astrobitos for great astronomy content in spanish!

Interview with Stephane Werner
by Clarissa Do O
Stephane is a PhD student at the University of Nottingham. She grew up in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and works on galaxy formation and evolution.

Interview with Dr. Hector Arcé
by Pratik Gandhi
Dr. Arcé is a professor of astronomy at Yale University and grew up in Puerto Rico. This interview was written ahead of his plenary lecture at AAS 240 on the Arecibo Observatory.

Article on the Arecibo Telescope
by Bryanne McDonough and Haley Wahl
This was Astrobites’ tribute to Arecibo right after it was decommissioned in November of 2020. The bite discusses the history of the telescope and its most famous observations.
Image Credit: University of Central Florida

Interview with Dr. Ronald Gamble
by Mark Popinchalk
Dr. Gamble is an Afro-Latino astrophysicist. He works at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on black holes. This interview was also a feature for our #BlackInAstro series.

Interview with Dr. Lia Medeiros
by Clarissa Do O
Dr. Medeiros is a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study. She is from Brazil and is part of the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration.

Personal Experience Piece by Monica Vidaurri
Monica is a PhD student at Stanford University. In this article she shares the ups and downs of her journey through science.
Featured Image Credit: Astrobites