by Lucas Brown | Nov 11, 2023 | Daily Paper Summaries
What if we could use continuous gravitational waves from far away pulsars to learn about the inside of our very own sun? The authors of today’s paper explore what it would take to make this far-out idea a reality.
by Lucas Brown | Aug 15, 2023 | Daily Paper Summaries
A recent observation of an extremely distant quasar sheds some (X-ray) light on the long-standing mystery of supermassive black hole formation.
by Lucas Brown | Jun 3, 2023 | Career Navigation, Current Events, Interviews, Personal Experiences
“The past, present, and future of the Hubble tension”: We interviewed cosmologist Daniel Scolnic for his plenary talk at the upcoming #AAS242!
by Lucas Brown | May 19, 2023 | Current Events
Tufts University graduate workers receive some of the lowest pay among top 50 universities when adjusted against cost of living. This year they are fighting for a new contract to raise wages, expand healthcare coverage, and secure new workplace protections.
by Lucas Brown | Apr 5, 2023 | Daily Paper Summaries
Measuring the mass of black holes in the centers of far away galaxies can be tricky, but today’s paper demonstrates the viability of a new method in this field: gravitational lensing!