Touch the Universe, Hear the Universe!
How can you host a planetarium show for those who can’t see? Author Briley Lewis shares her experiences designing and offering a planetarium show featuring tactile astronomy and data sonifications!
How can you host a planetarium show for those who can’t see? Author Briley Lewis shares her experiences designing and offering a planetarium show featuring tactile astronomy and data sonifications!
In this next installment of our series focusing on outreach, we take a look at some University planetariums across the US doing stellar work!
Looking for new ways to do some outreach? Our outreach for astronomers series continues with info on Science Olympiad and UCLA’s Astronomy Live!
Are you an astronomer looking to do outreach? Today we’re highlighting two opportunities: Skype a Scientist, and University of Virginia’s Dark Skies Bright Kids!
Do you like LEGOs? Do you like power laws? If you answered yes to both (which, if you’re an astronomer, you most likely did), then you’re in luck — today’s authors demonstrate how to use LEGOs to teach about power laws and mass functions!
Over the last few years, we have been publishing Astrobites that students wrote for their courses. This is how those bites came to be!