from Infographic titled “Distant Galaxy in SMACS 0723, Webb Spectrum Showcases a Galaxy’s Composition; NIRCam Imaging and NIRSpec Microshutter Array Spectroscopy.” At the top is a thin horizontal reference image of the galaxy cluster, labeled NIRCam Imaging. A zoom-in in view of one galaxy in the field is pulled out. The pull-out image shows a red pixelated blob. The image is labeled 13.1 billion years to indicate the age of the light shown. Below this is a spectrum of the galaxy, labeled NIRSpec Microshutter Array Spectroscopy. It is plotted as a line graph of brightness versus wavelength. The overall shape of the line is flat with many prominent spike-like peaks. Ten peaks are labeled with the element that is emitting that wavelength of light. From left to right (shorter to longer wavelength) the peaks are: oxygen, neon, hydrogen, neon, hydrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, oxygen.

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