by Lindsay DeMarchi | Apr 22, 2022 | Daily Paper Summaries
The authors of today’s paper seek to uncover what is occulted in the final moments of a massive star’s death. To this end, they outline the feasibility of measuring the background flux of “relic neutrinos” and connect them to their origins.
by Abby Lee | Apr 16, 2022 | Daily Paper Summaries
Type Ia supernovae’s dimmer cousin, type II supernovae, take a shot at measuring the Hubble constant.
by Jason Hinkle | Jan 23, 2022 | Daily Paper Summaries
FBOTs or butterflies? Today’s paper presents a new model to describe the emission from fast blue optical transients.
by Ryan Golant | Nov 30, 2021 | Daily Paper Summaries
How do neutron stars acquire such strong magnetic fields? Why do these fields differ between pulsars and magnetars? Today’s paper suggests that *convective dynamos* may be at play.
by Alice Curtin | Aug 12, 2021 | Daily Paper Summaries
Today’s authors study an FRB in the M81 galaxy. Read on for what they find (spoiler: it’s not what we would expect!).