Could Companion Stars Cause Stripped-Envelope Supernovae?
How do you make a supernova without hydrogen and helium lines? The answer may surprise you! (It’s probably binary stars)
How do you make a supernova without hydrogen and helium lines? The answer may surprise you! (It’s probably binary stars)
The authors of today’s paper seek to uncover what is occulted in the final moments of a massive star’s death. To this end, they outline the feasibility of measuring the background flux of “relic neutrinos” and connect them to their origins.
Type Ia supernovae’s dimmer cousin, type II supernovae, take a shot at measuring the Hubble constant.
FBOTs or butterflies? Today’s paper presents a new model to describe the emission from fast blue optical transients.
How do neutron stars acquire such strong magnetic fields? Why do these fields differ between pulsars and magnetars? Today’s paper suggests that *convective dynamos* may be at play.
Today’s authors study an FRB in the M81 galaxy. Read on for what they find (spoiler: it’s not what we would expect!).