Digging up Our Galaxy’s History Under the Sea
What was happening in our Galaxy millions of years ago? The authors of today’s paper suggest we can find out from minerals under the sea here on Earth.
What was happening in our Galaxy millions of years ago? The authors of today’s paper suggest we can find out from minerals under the sea here on Earth.
It turns out that just about anything can be a dark matter detector! Tiny tunnels in materials could be indicative of primordial black holes (PBHs) whizzing through the universe.
Today’s paper showcases the performances of new kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) that will enable observations of infrared and millimeter light that have the potential to advance various areas of astronomy and cosmology.
Although dark matter makes up over 80% of the total matter content of the Universe, we have yet to detect it. Today’s author’s bring a new approach to the search effort that uses Jupiter as a dark matter detector.
Check out the fresh BREAD results! Researchers show that the innovative design of the Broadband Experiment for Axion Detection could pave a promising path forward in the search for dark matter.