The Cosmic Microwave Oven Background

The Cosmic Microwave Oven Background

Over the past couple of decades the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia has been picking up two types of mysterious signals, each lasting just a few milliseconds. One kind, the Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), have come from seemingly random points in the sky at unpredictable times, and are thought to have a (thus far unknown) astronomical origin. The other signal, known as perytons, have been found by this paper to have an origin much close to home.

The Magnetic Personalities Of Dead Stars

The Magnetic Personalities Of Dead Stars

The galaxy is littered with white dwarfs, the burnt out remnants of stars that have run out of hydrogen fuel in their cores, but were too small to explode as supernovae. But far from being lifeless orbs, around a tenth of white dwarfs have powerful magnetic fields, a million times stronger than that of the Sun. How did these magnetic white dwarfs become such strong magnets? And just how many are there. The authors of this paper set out to answer the second of these questions, in the hope that it would shed light on the first.

Are There Two Missing Planets In The Solar System?

For years astronomers have wondered if there might be more planets in the Solar System, far beyond the orbit of Neptune. Although we now know for certain that there are no large gas giants left to be discovered, a recent finding has prompted the authors of this paper to propose the existence of not one, but two smaller planets in the outer Solar System.

Exploring the Planetary Graveyard

Over the past decade the study of planetary debris at white dwarfs has become an increasingly exciting area. Observations of this debris have allowed us to make unique discoveries about the chemical composition of extrasolar rocky planets, as well as revealing the endpoints of the evolution of planetary systems very similar to our own…