Optics to outrace them all
Astronomers are using a once-secret technology to scrutinize Kepler stars. Are rocky planets headed for a takedown?
Astronomers are using a once-secret technology to scrutinize Kepler stars. Are rocky planets headed for a takedown?
If only we could image a planet as it transits in front of its host star, we could obtain data that would complement other observation techniques. Here we learn about a technique that might actually let us do so.
The new high-resolution, hydra-headed PEPSI spectrograph is now in operation. One of the first targets it investigated is an ancient, planet-hosting star.
Elements heavier than iron are forged by neutron-capture processes. How are they distributed in the Galaxy?
A variety of mechanisms cause stars to experience spin evolution. Can we learn about planet formation by pushing spin measurements down to substellar masses?