Hot planets hiding under a shroud of dust and gas
Evaporating close-in planets could be found more efficiently if you look for them around stars enshrouded in the escaping planetary material.
Evaporating close-in planets could be found more efficiently if you look for them around stars enshrouded in the escaping planetary material.
There is a nearby M dwarf hosting a terrestrial exoplanet. How kind has it been to the atmosphere of the planet?
Hot Jupiters are eponymously hot from outside. How does this heat affect their atmospheres and deep interiors?
How, and when does the wavelength dependence of photospheric radius of an eclipsing exoplanet become too important to neglect?
Some hot Jupiters that like living dangerously are spiraling rapidly into their stars. Could that be connected to how squishy and wobbly they are?