Cloudy with a Chance of CO2

Cloudy with a Chance of CO2

Meteorology of other planets in our solar system provides critical laboratories for testing our climate models, studying new weather mechanisms, and developing climate theories for other worlds. This particular paper discusses a method for identifying carbon dioxide clouds on Mars using infrared spectroscopy.

A new look at a classical nova

A new look at a classical nova

While theoreticians might work in many dimensions, observationalists must often do their analysis using very few. This paper presents observations of a classical nova from two types of spectrographs that determine a distance to the nova and a map of its morphology.

Computers search for quasars.

Computers search for quasars.

With the advent of large photometric surveys, Astronomers must often work through massive amounts of data. One solution to deal with these large numbers is to train computers to do the job. This paper discusses such a computer algorithm to select candidate quasi-stellar objects (QSOs), the bright nuclei of galaxies that each house a supermassive black hole.