Nuthin’ but a ‘AGN’ Thang
In today’s paper, the authors use simulations to investigate how intermediate mass black holes might form in AGN disks.
In today’s paper, the authors use simulations to investigate how intermediate mass black holes might form in AGN disks.
Supermassive black holes continue to surprise: a recent extragalactic explosion proved to be the most luminous optical transient we have observed so far. Read about “Scary Barbie” and a potential explanation for her origin!
200 million years after two galaxies began to merge and created one of the most powerful AGN outbursts ever observed, they left behind an arc of star formation resembling beads on a string.
Today’s paper finds a new hungry supermassive black hole, fresh out of hibernation!
The wonderful population of massive black holes gardens seen in today’s galaxies were once seeds in the early universe. What were the seeds like ? Find out in today’s bite.
We interview the RAS Gold Medal Lecturer for AAS244, Prof. John Peacock!